如何迁移 FeedBurner 账号到 Google

AdSense for Feeds 已经发布,但是新的 Feed 地址在 http://feedproxy.google.com/ 域名下,所以原来的在 FeedBurner 管理下的 Feed,如果要使用 Adsense for Feed,就需要把 FeedBurner 账号迁移到 Google 账号管理体系下。

迁移 FeedBurner 账号到 Google 其实很简单,发封邮件给 adsense-support-aff@google.com,告诉他你要迁移的 FeedBurner 账号和你的 Google 的账号即可。如:偶用偶烂烂的英语写的。

Hi there,

Would you please migrate my feedburner account to Google Account.

My FeedBurner Account user name is xxxxx
My Google Adsense email address is xxxx@xxx.com

Thanks in advance

大概要过9天(我是2008-08-16 号发的邮件,今天收到)就会收到一封迁移成功的邮件:


Success! As you requested, we have migrated your FeedBurner account to your requested Google Account.

You may now access all of your feeds by visiting this address:


You will no longer be able to sign in to feedburner.com, but that's okay: from now on, there is no reason to do so. Also, your old FeedBurner feeds, found at feeds.feedburner.com, will automatically redirect to their new addresses on the feedproxy.google.com domain. You may still want to update any links or buttons on your website to use the new feedproxy.google.com address.

All of your feeds have been moved into this new account, and an initial batch of your most recent 30 days' traffic stats has been loaded up. (Your entire stats history, should it go beyond the last 30 days, will be added at a future date. If you see "0" for the most recent full day, don't panic! It may take 24 hours for that day's full dose of stats to appear in your new account.)

*** MyBrand Instructions ***

Do you use MyBrand, FeedBurner.com's service for mapping your own custom domain to FeedBurner's feed server? It is very important you read the following instructions. Your MyBrand URL (example: feeds.joepublisher.com) will stay the same, however you will need to make changes for traffic to smoothly transition to your migrated feed(s).

The following topic from Google Apps for Administrators provides general instructions for changing CNAME entries with many popular domain hosts:


You will want to map feeds.YOURDOMAIN.COM to ghs.google.com.

*** End of MyBrand Instructions ***

Finally, to set up AdSense for feeds, you now need to visit AdSense at http://www.google.com/adsense and choose the AdSense for Feeds option under Manage Ads > Get Ads. (Ads won't appear in your feed(s) unless set up new ad units for them there.)


The Google Team


1. 迁移成功,现在你不能用来的账户登陆 feedburner.com ,你原来在 FeedBurner 的 feeds.feedburner.com 余名下的 feed 如自动跳转到 feedproxy.google.com 域名下。

2. 如果你使用域名绑定服务,现在需要把绑定的域名 CNAME 修改成:ghs.google.com。

3. 如果你要使用 Adsense for Feed,你可以登陆到 Google Adsense,然后到 Adsense 设置 => 获取广告 => Adsense For Feed 中,供稿源就会看到你的 Feed。


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